Fabrizio Lombardi

ITC Endowed Chair Professor
Northeastern University, Dept of ECE, Boston, USA

Fabrizio Lombardi

ITC Endowed Chair Professor
Northeastern University, Dept of ECE, Boston, USA

Formazione scolastica:

  • Ph.D., University College London, University of London, 1982.
  • M.Sc. in Microwaves and Modern Optics, University College London, University of London, 1978.
  • Dipl. in Microwave Engineering, University College London, University of London, 1978.
  • B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering (Hons), University of Essex, 1977.

Focus del lavoro:

Lombardi is a professor at Northeastern University in Boston, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the ECE Department. His current research revolves around nanotechnology across the entire technology stack, so from devices (hexaferrites for sensors and storage), through circuits (mostly involving non volatile memories involving new materials such as phase change).

Consigli agli studenti:

  • Listen, Learn and Labor (the so-called 3 L’s)



In quali campi tecnici delle nanotecnologie si applica meglio il tuo lavoro?

  • Nanoelettronica
  • Nanomagnetismo

D: Quando hai scoperto per la prima volta che il tuo percorso professionale si concentrava sulle nanotecnologie?
Lombardi:  My background during my undergraduate and initial graduate studies was microwaves and optics; I got interested in computer science/engineering (CSE) in my doctoral degree and at the onset of my academic career. However over nearly 2 decades, I have bridged CSE with more physical-based (device-level) topics to allow a more comprehensive technology assessment as well a detailed analysis of nanotechnology, from devices to systems.      

D: A quali attuali applicazioni della nanotecnologia stai lavorando?  
Lombardi: My current research focuses on  mitigating variations due to nanoscale feature sizes (7-14 nm) with respect to computing and storage; in particular, I am interested in ensuring that errors and defects can be at least partially corrected and/or mediated, such that reliable operation can be still attained.        

D: Qual è la cosa più gratificante nel lavorare con la nanotecnologia?
Lombardi: It is probably the satisfaction to see tiny things to work and appreciate that they can make a substantial difference.    

D: C'è un esempio che puoi fornire che mostra come qualcosa su cui hai lavorato ha avuto un impatto positivo sul mondo?
 To come.   

D: In quali aree prevede che la futura commercializzazione delle nanotecnologie avrà il maggiore impatto positivo sul mondo?
Lombardi: Nanotechnology is pervasive and it will continue to have a major impact on every aspect of life.

D: Qual è secondo te l'impatto più grande che la nanotecnologia ha avuto finora sul mondo?  
Lombardi: The greatest impact of nanotechnology is the miniaturization across diverse applicative areas such as nanomedicine as well as nanoelectronics; there is strong evidence that this trend will continue in at least the next decade due to transformation of society in a high-tech driven marketplace.    

D: Negli ultimi dieci anni, la nanotecnologia è uscita dai laboratori e sta avendo un impatto reale nella società. Hai lavorato a iniziative che hanno contribuito a commercializzare la nanotecnologia e hanno portato a nuovi prodotti o processi? 
Lombardi: To come.

D: La tua formazione universitaria ti ha aiutato nel tuo lavoro sulle nanotecnologie?
 To a certain extent my university level education helped me, but it should be also emphasized that there is a lot of self-learning, and that must be pursued on an individual basis.      

D: Hai un mentore? Lo hai fatto durante gli anni del college?
Lombardi: I have never had a mentor, but I had great teachers and advisors; I prefer to set my own choices, often making mistakes, but learning from them as well as the success stories.   

D: Se dovessi rifare tutto da capo, ti concentreresti ancora sulle applicazioni delle nanotecnologie?
: Yes, I would; however nanotechnology applications are still evolving, so the future may be full of exciting surprises. 

D: Se uno studente delle scuole superiori o universitari fosse interessato alle nanotecnologie, che consiglio gli daresti per prepararsi ad assumere quei ruoli?
 The best advice for such a student is to listen, learn and labor (the so-called 3 L’s); in my opinion, these are the fundamental steps that transform a dedicated person an accomplished scientist and engineer.

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