Applications & Industry

Most industries have been impacted by work done at the nanoscale. And, while many of these applications are still in various stages of research, many products and techniques have impacted everything from clothings, to medicine delivery, to diagnostics, to energy and are commercially available.

Applications & Industry

Many industries have been impacted by our evolving understanding of engineering at the nanoscale. While various industrial applications for nanotechnology are still being researched and developed, we already use nano-engineered components in commercially available clothing, medical diagnostic tests, and energy storage systems.

For example, nanoparticles have been incorporated into textiles to create stain resistant and odor-suppressing clothing. Auto manufacturers have enhanced bumper performance using nanocrystals that increase the resilience of the bumper. Color filters and colored lighting have been created by altering the optical properties of colloidal suspensions by varying the size and shape of nanoparticles in solution. Carbon nanotubes have been employed to enhance the strength and reduce the weight of bicycle frames and tennis rackets. Gold nanoparticles have allowed for targeted cancer therapies that have the potential to save lives.

TryNano has provided profiles of several industry areas where nanotechnology is having a large impact now and is poised to dramatically change products and services in the future.

Featured in Applications & Industry

Applications & Industry

Most industries have been impacted by work done at the nanoscale. And, while many of these applications are still in various stages of research, many products and techniques have impacted everything from clothings, to medicine delivery, to diagnostics, to energy and are commercially available.

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About Nanotechnology

The field of Nanotechnology is vast and touches industries from medicine to transportation. Around the world researchers and students are exploring the world at the nano level and have impacted many products, processes, and services through their efforts.

Learn More About Nanotechnology

More in Applications & Industry

Is it Chemistry? Is it Physics?

Nanotechnology also involves biology, several disciplines of engineering, material science, and medicine. Anywhere molecules and atoms are concerned, nanotechnology can potentially play a role.