Chennupati Jagadish

Distinguished Professor
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia

Chennupati Jagadish

Distinguished Professor
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia


  • BSc Physics, Nagarjuna University, India, 1977
  • MSc(Tech) Applied Physics (Electronics), Andhra University, India, 1980
  • MPhil Physics, Delhi University, India, 1982
  • PhD Physics, Delhi University, India, 1986

업무 초점:

“We work on compound semiconductor nanostructures for optoelectronics, energy and neuroscience applications.  Our interests are in developing quantum, nanowires, nanomembranes for lasers, LEDs, photodetectors, solar cells, photoelectrodes for photoelectrical chemical water splitting, biosensors and neuronal electrodes.”

학생들을 위한 조언:

Choose something you are passionate about, dream big, aim high, learn as many skills as possible, believe in yourself, work hard and smart.



나노기술의 어떤 기술 분야에 귀하의 작업이 가장 잘 적용됩니까?

  • 나노소재
  • 나노제조
  • 나노광학, 나노포토닉스, 나노광전자공학
  • 나노 에너지, 환경 및 안전

Q: 귀하의 진로가 나노기술에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 것을 처음 알게 된 것은 언제입니까?
Jagadish:  We started working in nanotechnology in early 90s growth quantum dots, quantum wires for optoelectronics applications. We have been continue to work in this field since then with most recent focus has been on nanowires and nanomembranes.      

Q: 현재 어떤 나노기술 응용을 연구하고 있나요?  
Jagadish: We have been developing nanowire and nanomembrane based lasers and LEDs for flexible displays, meta-optics, sensing and communications. We have been developing nanostructures for solar cells, hydrogen generation through photoelectrical water splitting, neuronal electrodes for measuring neuronal signals and engineering.  We have recently demonstrated THz detectors with polarization sensitivity.        

Q. 나노기술을 활용하면서 가장 보람찬 점은 무엇인가요?
Jagadish: Starting from exploring fundamental ideas in science to developing devices which can find real world applications.  This full spectrum is exciting and stimulating.    

Q: 당신이 작업한 일이 세상에 어떻게 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤는지 보여주는 예가 있습니까?
 Quantum dot lasers we have worked on, along with contributions from many other groups have been used in optical communication systems and quantum dot infrared photodetectors are used in thermal imaging and night vision applications.   

Q: 향후 나노기술의 상용화가 세계에 가장 큰 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되는 분야는 무엇입니까?
Jagadish: The biggest impact will be in biomedical fields with targeted drug delivery, single molecule detection of diseases at the early stage.  Also, use of neuronal electrodes for measuring brain signals and stimulating neurons to help patients with neurological disorders. Another area is meta-optics and use of technologies in LIDAR, dynamic holograms, LiFi.

Q: 지금까지 나노기술이 세계에 미친 가장 큰 영향은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?  
Jagadish: Quantum dots are already used in TVs, displays, biomedical imaging and quantum dot devices are already used in optical communications and night vision applications.    

Q: 지난 10년 동안 나노기술은 연구실을 벗어나 사회에 실질적인 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 나노기술의 상용화에 도움이 되고 새로운 제품이나 프로세스를 탄생시키는 데 도움이 되는 노력을 하신 적이 있습니까? 
Jagadish: We have worked on high power semiconductor lasers and started a company to commercialize our technology as they are needed in optical communication systems. However due to crash of communication markets in early 2000s, we had to close the company. My students and post-docs are running companies developing LEDs for lighting and projection applications.

Q: 대학에서의 훈련이 나노기술 작업에 도움이 되었나요?
 I had a broad background in Physics, Materials Science and Electronics and this broad background turned out to be a boon to be about to do fundamental science as well as developing device technologies.      

Q. 멘토가 있나요? 대학 시절에 그랬나요?
Jagadish: I started my life in a small village in India and studied in front of a kerosene lamp till I completed my year 7, then lived with my Maths teacher in a  neighboring village to complete my high school.  I am grateful to my parents and two of my high school teachers. Without their help, I wouldn’t have completed my high school.  Many people helped me in my life. Late Prof. David Atherton at Queen’s University, Canada has given me a break to work with him as a post-doctoral fellow in magnetics though my PhD was in semiconductors.  I am grateful to him for giving me this break as I tried for post-doctoral fellowships over 3 years with more than 300 rejection letters.  In those days there was no internet and we used to get magazines 6 months late by sea mail in India and I used to apply for all the jobs which I thought were relevant to me. Late Professor Jim Whitton recommended me to Prof. Jim Williams at the ANU and I moved to ANU in 1990 July with a 2 month old baby and a 2 year contract to join a newly established Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physics.  ANU has been good to me and supported me during the past 30 years.  Prof. Erich Weigold has been a great mentor along with Prof. Jim Williams at the ANU.  I am grateful for their support.  I am grateful to India for providing me all the education and nurturing me from childhood to adulthood and to Australia for providing me the opportunity to prove myself as a Scientist.  Of course research is a collective effort and I want to thank my students, post-doctoral fellows, young academics and collaborators for their contribution to our joint research.   

Q: 만약 다시 이 일을 해야 한다면, 여전히 나노기술 응용에 집중하시겠습니까?
: Yes.  I would do this again as it has been great fun working in the field of nanotechnology and developing technologies with an impact on the society.  I would probably learn bit more biology as nanotechnology is a multi-disciplinary field, and having a broader background helps. 

Q: 고등학생이나 대학생이 나노기술에 관심이 있다면, 그러한 역할을 맡을 준비를 돕기 위해 어떤 조언을 해주실 수 있나요?
 Please choose something you are passionate about, dream big, aim high, learn as many skills as possible, believe in yourself, work hard and smart.  Persistence and perseverance are essential in life to achieve your goals and dreams.  Be generous to others, learn communication and leadership skills. Please take care of your health and spend quality time with your family while having fun doing your studies or work.

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