나노기술의 새로운 발전

TryNano.org에는 해당 연구에 참여한 전문가들이 제시하는 나노기술의 최신 발전에 대한 링크가 있습니다.

최첨단의 신흥 영역

Ever wonder what current research engineers and scientists are doing to make advances in nanotechnology? What are the new developments on the cutting edge? Even though nanotechnology-based products are already found in the marketplace, research and development continue. Scientists and engineers are constantly trying to improve our world by expanding our understanding of the nanoworld while at the same time creating new materials and devices along with manufacturing methods to make them.

Examples of these efforts can be found by attending special science and engineering conferences where researchers describe their work. However, some researchers also present their work to interested organizations that invite them to give special seminars that highlight the advances that are occurring in nanotechnology.

In particular, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council hosts online presentations by leading researchers through its Young Professionals Committee. Some of these presentations are provided here so you can view the latest developments that caught the eye of your nanotechnology colleagues!

In addition, the IEEE 나노기술 위원회의 우수 강사 have a rich history of speaking to various groups interested in learning more about specific areas of nanotechnology that might be in our future. We’ll be adding information related to presentations made by Distinguished Lecturers here in the future so be ready to experience the cutting edge of nanotechnology when you come back to visit!

그래핀이나 탄소 표면의 3d 그림 구조입니다. 이미지 출처: Rost-9/bigstock.com

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